The Neezie NEWS

The White Supremacist And Extremist Donors To Trump’s 2020 Campaign

Facebook James Allsup uploaded a photo to Facebook in which he holds a tiki torch like the ones used during the “Unite the Right” rally. President Donald Trump ’s 2020 campaign has repeatedly accepted donations from well-known white supremacists, extremists and bigots, Federal Election Commission records show. Among the far-right figures who have given money to Trump’s reelection bid are a neo-Nazi pastor in Louisiana, a wealthy Florida businessman who called former President Barack Obama the N-word, and a neo-fascist activist recently arrested for opening fire on Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Portland, Oregon. The Trump campaign, which did not respond to HuffPost’s request for comment on this story, has been aware of at least some of the white supremacists’ donations, past media reports show. But it has declined to reject or return their money ― even though it is common practice for political campaigns to voluntarily forfeit donations from extremists. In 2015, for example, the Republican presidential campaigns of Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz returned thousands of dollars in contributions from the leader of a white supremacist group. The extremists’ donations to Trump’s campaign can be seen in official FEC filings . The contributions were spotted and […]

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