Notes on an Exile from American Democracy

The collective political imagination of America is never more than four years. It’s doggedly tied to the presidential election cycle. As of the publishing of this, it’s only 16 days until the next presidential election. I’m not sure quite when the future-casting of American democracy got reduced to nothing more than four years, but here we are. And it’s not a good place. While, yes, steeped in hegemonic white supremacy, the bottom line is that this nation was founded with the future in mind. From the creation of the Constitution and the mechanism for amendments—the idea that it may need to change as contexts change—or even the imperial nature of Manifest Destiny and the American Century, this nation always looked toward the future. Even from its foremost marginalized demographic, the political fight for civil rights was always a campaign that reached farther than the next presidential cycle. We’re so tied to this four-year cycle, very few of us can imagine what life will be like on November 4th or 5th. It’s that bad. There are dozens of news stories right now that have differing doomsday scenarios if Trump loses and refuses to leave. This is not a good place […]
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